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Unable to Weblogic Struct Type to Oracle Struct Type

i am calling a stored procedure from java and as an out parameter i am giving a struct. Every thing works fine with below code;

conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL,"username","password")
StructDescriptor recDescriptor =  StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("TCS_CHALLAN",conn);
CallableStatement stmt =  conn.prepareCall("{ call xx_get_challan_info(?, ?) }");
Object[] return_record_array = new Object[8];
STRUCT output_oracle_record;
stmt.setObject(1, challan_no);
stmt.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "TCS_CHALLAN");
output_oracle_record = ((OracleCallableStatement)stmt).getSTRUCT(2);
return_record_array = output_oracle_record.getAttributes();

The problem occurs when i get my connection from a datasource at weblogic server.

javax.naming.Context initialContext = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = (javax.sql.DataSource)initialContext.lookup("jdbc/testApps");
conn = dataSource.getConnection();

With above conn object when i try the same code i get an error

weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.Struct_oracle_sql_STRUCT cannot be cast to oracle.sql.STRUCT


  • So this was the solution.When running your code in weblogic you need to do some extra casting. make sure to include jar files in your classpath.

    /*Code to support Weblogic datatypes*/
      Object returnObj = stmt.getObject(2);
      if (returnObj instanceof Struct)
                    output_oracle_record = (oracle.sql.STRUCT)(((weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.Struct)returnObj).unwrap(Class.forName("oracle.sql.STRUCT")));
                    output_oracle_record = (oracle.sql.STRUCT)returnObj;
                /*code for tomcat deployment*/
                //output_oracle_record = ((OracleCallableStatement)stmt).getSTRUCT(2);