I am trying to pass a list of input field's ID that have been modified so I can create a UPDATE query in MySQL only for the modified data.
Here is what I have so far..
In jQuery I have the following code that makes a JSON list of all the id's that have had changed input data. The data is added to a hidden input field.
updatedFields = [];
$('form :input').change(function(){
attr_name = $(this).attr('id');
Once that is POSTed, I have an array similar to
[myform] => Array
[update_fields] => [{"attr_name":"field1"},{"attr_name":"field2"}]
[field1] => field1val
[field2] => myfield2val
[id] => 5
.....other irrelevant/nonmodified fields.......
Then I do extract($_POST['myform'])
to make each field name be its own variable. (Yes I know using extract()
for POST data is not safe, just doing it for testing purposes)
What is the best way to dynamically create an UPDATE query given that I want to modify the values of field1 and field2.
Here is what I would like to be created:
$query = $db->prepare("UPDATE `table_name` SET `field1` = ?, `field2` = ? WHERE `id` = ?");
$query->bind_param('ssi', $field1, $field2, $id)
The problem with this solution is that I do not know how to dynamically create the prepare and bind_param query.
Edit: I know this is a cluster**** of a solution. It's what I could come up with that almost worked.
If you're using PHP5.6 or later, you could use argument unpacking to deal with the bind_param which is the hardest part of the problem. Try something like this:
$update_fields = json_decode($_POST['myform']['update_fields'], true);
$sql_fields = array();
$bindtypes = "";
$bindings = array();
foreach (array_column($update_fields, 'attr_name') as $field) {
$sql_fields[] .= "`$field` = ?";
$bindtypes .= "s";
$bindings[] = $_POST['myform'][$field];
$sql = "UPDATE `table_name` SET " . implode(',', $sql_fields) . " WHERE `id` = ?";
$bindtypes .= "i";
array_unshift($bindings, $bindtypes);
$bindings[] = $_POST['myform']['id'];
$query = $db->prepare($sql);