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Gridlines showing on my teechart graph in .net

So I have a TeeChart graph in winForms.

It has a few logarithmic gridlines on it.

Few gridlines

However, when I add labels, I get extra gridlines too. I never wanted these there, and I'm wondering if anyone's got ideas on how to get rid of them. This is the code I ran:

tcRPP.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Items.Add(xMin / 2.3D, "Points in bucket:")

For Each group In xGrouped
    tcRPP.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Items.Add(group.Average(Function(point) point.X), CStr(group.Count()))

My graph now looks like this:

Many gridlines

Any help would be much appreciated!


  • In the end I hid the graph altogether by saying:

        Dim pointSeries As Series = chartseriesAsList().FirstOrDefault(Function(x) x.GetType() = GetType(Points3D))
        Dim xAxis = pointSeries.GetHorizAxis
        xAxis.Grid.Visible = false
        Dim yAxis = pointSeries.GetVertAxis
        yAxis.Grid.Visible = false