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AoT errors in production mode

So in my project I have components and services and I have included services where I need them. To do so I declared all the services as private in the constructor. For example:

constructor(private myService: MyService) {}

But in the html template I have used the service like ([ngModel])="". And here is the issue, when I tried to build in production mode I had a lot of AoT errors saying that I was using a private property which was only accessible within the class for each service I used in an html template. So I was wondering if it's a good practice to declare all the services as public to avoid the AoT errors.


  • You can either

    • Add a public accessor to the property on the component that calls through to the service.

      get name():string {return;}
    • Change private to public in the constructor

      constructor(public myService: MyService) {}

    As far as which of these 2 is "correct" is a matter of opinion.