I know you can do something like
<input (input)="doSomething($event)" />
<input (input)="boolVar = $event.target.value > 5" />
but how can I do something like
funcVar = (e) => {
<input (input)="funcVar" />
I tried other things like
<input [input]="funcVar" />
<input [(input)]="funcVar" />
but no luck. Reason I'm doing this is that our forms are being generated from a data set, so they only way I can add on stuff like is by passing in stuff through variables that will generate the forms.
The event handler should call the function. The markup would be:
<input (input)="funcVar($event)" />
for the funcVar
member defined as:
public funcVar = (e) => {
If another method is assigned to funcVar
later, that new method will be executed when the input
event is triggered:
someMethodExecutedLater() {
this.funcVar = (e) => {
// From now on, this new function will be called by the event handler