I'm using Object Mapper in Swift 2 (when I download from api it worked well) but I want to add some objects inside my class with append. It currently doesn't work, i.e. it doesnt add any object.
My codes are below:
import Foundation
class MyHomes : NSObject,Mappable {
var first : String?;
var second : String?;
var number1 : String?;
var selected : String?;
override init() {
required convenience init?(_ map: Map) {
func mapping(_ map: Map) {
first <- map["first"]
second <- map["second"]
number1 <- map["number1"]
My ViewController.Swift
import UIKit
import Foundation
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var homes : [MyHomes]?
var selectedHomes : [MyHomes]?
override func viewDidLoad() {
if homes != nil {
for datasinhomes in homes! {
if datasinhomes.selected == "yes" {
print("selected yes have")
selected yes have
selected yes have
selected yes have
// Mappable.swift
// ObjectMapper
// Created by Scott Hoyt on 10/25/15.
// Copyright © 2015 hearst. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public protocol Mappable {
init?(_ map: Map)
mutating func mapping(map: Map)
public protocol MappableCluster: Mappable {
static func objectForMapping(map: Map) -> Mappable?
public extension Mappable {
/// Initializes object from a JSON String
public init?(JSONString: String) {
if let obj: Self = Mapper().map(JSONString) {
self = obj
} else {
return nil
/// Initializes object from a JSON Dictionary
public init?(JSON: [String : AnyObject]) {
if let obj: Self = Mapper().map(JSON) {
self = obj
} else {
return nil
/// Returns the JSON Dictionary for the object
public func toJSON() -> [String: AnyObject] {
return Mapper().toJSON(self)
/// Returns the JSON String for the object
public func toJSONString(prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
return Mapper().toJSONString(self, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)
public extension Array where Element: Mappable {
/// Initialize Array from a JSON String
public init?(JSONString: String) {
if let obj: [Element] = Mapper().mapArray(JSONString) {
self = obj
} else {
return nil
/// Initialize Array from a JSON Array
public init?(JSONArray: [[String : AnyObject]]) {
if let obj: [Element] = Mapper().mapArray(JSONArray) {
self = obj
} else {
return nil
/// Returns the JSON Array
public func toJSON() -> [[String : AnyObject]] {
return Mapper().toJSONArray(self)
/// Returns the JSON String for the object
public func toJSONString(prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
return Mapper().toJSONString(self, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)
public extension Set where Element: Mappable {
/// Initializes a set from a JSON String
public init?(JSONString: String) {
if let obj: Set<Element> = Mapper().mapSet(JSONString) {
self = obj
} else {
return nil
/// Initializes a set from JSON
public init?(JSONArray: [[String : AnyObject]]) {
if let obj: Set<Element> = Mapper().mapSet(JSONArray) {
self = obj
} else {
return nil
/// Returns the JSON Set
public func toJSON() -> [[String : AnyObject]] {
return Mapper().toJSONSet(self)
/// Returns the JSON String for the object
public func toJSONString(prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
return Mapper().toJSONString(self, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)
// Mapper.swift
// ObjectMapper
// Created by Tristan Himmelman on 2014-10-09.
// The MIT License (MIT)
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Hearst
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import Foundation
public enum MappingType {
case FromJSON
case ToJSON
/// The Mapper class provides methods for converting Model objects to JSON and methods for converting JSON to Model objects
public final class Mapper<N: Mappable> {
public init(){}
// MARK: Mapping functions that map to an existing object toObject
/// Maps a JSON object to an existing Mappable object if it is a JSON dictionary, or returns the passed object as is
public func map(JSON: AnyObject?, toObject object: N) -> N {
if let JSON = JSON as? [String : AnyObject] {
return map(JSON, toObject: object)
return object
/// Map a JSON string onto an existing object
public func map(JSONString: String, toObject object: N) -> N {
if let JSON = Mapper.parseJSONDictionary(JSONString) {
return map(JSON, toObject: object)
return object
/// Maps a JSON dictionary to an existing object that conforms to Mappable.
/// Usefull for those pesky objects that have crappy designated initializers like NSManagedObject
public func map(JSONDictionary: [String : AnyObject], var toObject object: N) -> N {
let map = Map(mappingType: .FromJSON, JSONDictionary: JSONDictionary, toObject: true)
return object
//MARK: Mapping functions that create an object
/// Map an optional JSON string to an object that conforms to Mappable
public func map(JSONString: String?) -> N? {
if let JSONString = JSONString {
return map(JSONString)
return nil
/// Map a JSON string to an object that conforms to Mappable
public func map(JSONString: String) -> N? {
if let JSON = Mapper.parseJSONDictionary(JSONString) {
return map(JSON)
return nil
/// Map a JSON NSString to an object that conforms to Mappable
public func map(JSONString: NSString) -> N? {
return map(JSONString as String)
/// Maps a JSON object to a Mappable object if it is a JSON dictionary or NSString, or returns nil.
public func map(JSON: AnyObject?) -> N? {
if let JSON = JSON as? [String : AnyObject] {
return map(JSON)
return nil
/// Maps a JSON dictionary to an object that conforms to Mappable
public func map(JSONDictionary: [String : AnyObject]) -> N? {
let map = Map(mappingType: .FromJSON, JSONDictionary: JSONDictionary)
// check if N is of type MappableCluster
if let klass = N.self as? MappableCluster.Type {
if var object = klass.objectForMapping(map) as? N {
return object
if var object = N(map) {
return object
return nil
// MARK: Mapping functions for Arrays and Dictionaries
/// Maps a JSON array to an object that conforms to Mappable
public func mapArray(JSONString: String) -> [N]? {
let parsedJSON: AnyObject? = Mapper.parseJSONString(JSONString)
if let objectArray = mapArray(parsedJSON) {
return objectArray
// failed to parse JSON into array form
// try to parse it into a dictionary and then wrap it in an array
if let object = map(parsedJSON) {
return [object]
return nil
/// Maps a optional JSON String into an array of objects that conforms to Mappable
public func mapArray(JSONString: String?) -> [N]? {
if let JSONString = JSONString {
return mapArray(JSONString)
return nil
/// Maps a JSON object to an array of Mappable objects if it is an array of JSON dictionary, or returns nil.
public func mapArray(JSON: AnyObject?) -> [N]? {
if let JSONArray = JSON as? [[String : AnyObject]] {
return mapArray(JSONArray)
return nil
/// Maps an array of JSON dictionary to an array of Mappable objects
public func mapArray(JSONArray: [[String : AnyObject]]) -> [N]? {
// map every element in JSON array to type N
let result = JSONArray.flatMap(map)
return result
/// Maps a JSON object to a dictionary of Mappable objects if it is a JSON dictionary of dictionaries, or returns nil.
public func mapDictionary(JSONString: String) -> [String : N]? {
let parsedJSON: AnyObject? = Mapper.parseJSONString(JSONString)
return mapDictionary(parsedJSON)
/// Maps a JSON object to a dictionary of Mappable objects if it is a JSON dictionary of dictionaries, or returns nil.
public func mapDictionary(JSON: AnyObject?) -> [String : N]? {
if let JSONDictionary = JSON as? [String : [String : AnyObject]] {
return mapDictionary(JSONDictionary)
return nil
/// Maps a JSON dictionary of dictionaries to a dictionary of Mappble objects
public func mapDictionary(JSONDictionary: [String : [String : AnyObject]]) -> [String : N]? {
// map every value in dictionary to type N
let result = JSONDictionary.filterMap(map)
if result.isEmpty == false {
return result
return nil
/// Maps a JSON object to a dictionary of Mappable objects if it is a JSON dictionary of dictionaries, or returns nil.
public func mapDictionary(JSON: AnyObject?, toDictionary dictionary: [String : N]) -> [String : N] {
if let JSONDictionary = JSON as? [String : [String : AnyObject]] {
return mapDictionary(JSONDictionary, toDictionary: dictionary)
return dictionary
/// Maps a JSON dictionary of dictionaries to an existing dictionary of Mappble objects
public func mapDictionary(JSONDictionary: [String : [String : AnyObject]], var toDictionary dictionary: [String : N]) -> [String : N] {
for (key, value) in JSONDictionary {
if let object = dictionary[key] {
Mapper().map(value, toObject: object)
} else {
dictionary[key] = Mapper().map(value)
return dictionary
/// Maps a JSON object to a dictionary of arrays of Mappable objects
public func mapDictionaryOfArrays(JSON: AnyObject?) -> [String : [N]]? {
if let JSONDictionary = JSON as? [String : [[String : AnyObject]]] {
return mapDictionaryOfArrays(JSONDictionary)
return nil
///Maps a JSON dictionary of arrays to a dictionary of arrays of Mappable objects
public func mapDictionaryOfArrays(JSONDictionary: [String : [[String : AnyObject]]]) -> [String : [N]]? {
// map every value in dictionary to type N
let result = JSONDictionary.filterMap {
if result.isEmpty == false {
return result
return nil
/// Maps an 2 dimentional array of JSON dictionaries to a 2 dimentional array of Mappable objects
public func mapArrayOfArrays(JSON: AnyObject?) -> [[N]]? {
if let JSONArray = JSON as? [[[String : AnyObject]]] {
var objectArray = [[N]]()
for innerJSONArray in JSONArray {
if let array = mapArray(innerJSONArray){
if objectArray.isEmpty == false {
return objectArray
return nil
// MARK: Utility functions for converting strings to JSON objects
/// Convert a JSON String into a Dictionary<String, AnyObject> using NSJSONSerialization
public static func parseJSONDictionary(JSON: String) -> [String : AnyObject]? {
let parsedJSON: AnyObject? = Mapper.parseJSONString(JSON)
return Mapper.parseJSONDictionary(parsedJSON)
/// Convert a JSON Object into a Dictionary<String, AnyObject> using NSJSONSerialization
public static func parseJSONDictionary(JSON: AnyObject?) -> [String : AnyObject]? {
if let JSONDict = JSON as? [String : AnyObject] {
return JSONDict
return nil
/// Convert a JSON String into an Object using NSJSONSerialization
public static func parseJSONString(JSON: String) -> AnyObject? {
let data = JSON.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)
if let data = data {
let parsedJSON: AnyObject?
do {
parsedJSON = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments)
} catch let error {
parsedJSON = nil
return parsedJSON
return nil
extension Mapper {
// MARK: Functions that create JSON from objects
///Maps an object that conforms to Mappable to a JSON dictionary <String : AnyObject>
public func toJSON(var object: N) -> [String : AnyObject] {
let map = Map(mappingType: .ToJSON, JSONDictionary: [:])
return map.JSONDictionary
///Maps an array of Objects to an array of JSON dictionaries [[String : AnyObject]]
public func toJSONArray(array: [N]) -> [[String : AnyObject]] {
return array.map {
// convert every element in array to JSON dictionary equivalent
///Maps a dictionary of Objects that conform to Mappable to a JSON dictionary of dictionaries.
public func toJSONDictionary(dictionary: [String : N]) -> [String : [String : AnyObject]] {
return dictionary.map { k, v in
// convert every value in dictionary to its JSON dictionary equivalent
return (k, self.toJSON(v))
///Maps a dictionary of Objects that conform to Mappable to a JSON dictionary of dictionaries.
public func toJSONDictionaryOfArrays(dictionary: [String : [N]]) -> [String : [[String : AnyObject]]] {
return dictionary.map { k, v in
// convert every value (array) in dictionary to its JSON dictionary equivalent
return (k, self.toJSONArray(v))
/// Maps an Object to a JSON string with option of pretty formatting
public func toJSONString(object: N, prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
let JSONDict = toJSON(object)
return Mapper.toJSONString(JSONDict, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)
/// Maps an array of Objects to a JSON string with option of pretty formatting
public func toJSONString(array: [N], prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
let JSONDict = toJSONArray(array)
return Mapper.toJSONString(JSONDict, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)
public static func toJSONString(JSONObject: AnyObject, prettyPrint: Bool) -> String? {
if NSJSONSerialization.isValidJSONObject(JSONObject) {
let JSONData: NSData?
do {
let options: NSJSONWritingOptions = prettyPrint ? .PrettyPrinted : []
JSONData = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(JSONObject, options: options)
} catch let error {
JSONData = nil
if let JSON = JSONData {
return String(data: JSON, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
return nil
extension Mapper where N: Hashable {
/// Maps a JSON array to an object that conforms to Mappable
public func mapSet(JSONString: String) -> Set<N>? {
let parsedJSON: AnyObject? = Mapper.parseJSONString(JSONString)
if let objectArray = mapArray(parsedJSON){
return Set(objectArray)
// failed to parse JSON into array form
// try to parse it into a dictionary and then wrap it in an array
if let object = map(parsedJSON) {
return Set([object])
return nil
/// Maps a JSON object to an Set of Mappable objects if it is an array of JSON dictionary, or returns nil.
public func mapSet(JSON: AnyObject?) -> Set<N>? {
if let JSONArray = JSON as? [[String : AnyObject]] {
return mapSet(JSONArray)
return nil
/// Maps an Set of JSON dictionary to an array of Mappable objects
public func mapSet(JSONArray: [[String : AnyObject]]) -> Set<N> {
// map every element in JSON array to type N
return Set(JSONArray.flatMap(map))
///Maps a Set of Objects to a Set of JSON dictionaries [[String : AnyObject]]
public func toJSONSet(set: Set<N>) -> [[String : AnyObject]] {
return set.map {
// convert every element in set to JSON dictionary equivalent
/// Maps a set of Objects to a JSON string with option of pretty formatting
public func toJSONString(set: Set<N>, prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
let JSONDict = toJSONSet(set)
return Mapper.toJSONString(JSONDict, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)
extension Dictionary {
internal func map<K: Hashable, V>(@noescape f: Element -> (K, V)) -> [K : V] {
var mapped = [K : V]()
for element in self {
let newElement = f(element)
mapped[newElement.0] = newElement.1
return mapped
internal func map<K: Hashable, V>(@noescape f: Element -> (K, [V])) -> [K : [V]] {
var mapped = [K : [V]]()
for element in self {
let newElement = f(element)
mapped[newElement.0] = newElement.1
return mapped
internal func filterMap<U>(@noescape f: Value -> U?) -> [Key : U] {
var mapped = [Key : U]()
for (key, value) in self {
if let newValue = f(value){
mapped[key] = newValue
return mapped
You have defined:
var selectedHomes : [MyHomes]?
Then you try to:
But I do not see anywhere that you actually assigned an array to the selectedHomes so that its value is actually defined. Attempting to append to nil will obviously not do anything.
Try to change your definition to:
var selectedHomes : [MyHomes]? = []
If you want to keep this as an optional array or you could at this point make it a non-optional too:
var selectedHomes : [MyHomes] = []
Good Luck!