I am trying to generate a .resx file from a C# program. When I open the generated file, I am getting data like below:
*ÎÊï¾ ‘ lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet PADPADP%†ÐÙ Ï C o n t a c t Contact Information**
Here is the code that I am using to write to the file:
string resPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ResourcePath"];
var wr = new ResourceWriter(resPath);
wr.AddResource("Contact", "Contact Information");
You're using the wrong class. ResourceWriter creates a .resources file, not a .resx file. To create a .resx file, use ResXResourceWriter instead:
using (ResXResourceWriter writer = new ResXResourceWriter(resPath))
writer.AddResource(new ResXDataNode("Contact", "Contact Information"));
Note: To use ResXResourceWriter, you must add an assembly reference to System.Windows.Forms.