The Rating bar in Android has the attributes numStars to represent the total number of stars displayed, and the attribute stepSize to represent the granularity of scale.
However, I want to have a rating scale of 10 mapped to a RatingBar of 5 stars, so that a 9/10 is shown on the scale as 4.5/5 stars. Is this possible for the android Rating Bar?
Divide the number by two in order to end up with your value over 5:
In your case it is 9, so it's 9/2 = 4.5.
Then, pass that value to your ratingBar:
// Retrieved Json Object. float might be redundant
//if getNumber is already of type float
float ratingValue = (float) object.getNumber()/2;
// This is used to set the rating value
// This is used to show your stars