here what i am trying i am displaying a dynamically generated table using ngx-datatable but i am trying to display is for odd rows i want to display one color and on for even row i tried applying the nth element &
body .datatable-body-row .datatable-row-even {
background: orange;
body datatable-body-row .datatable-row-odd {
background: aqua;
.ngx-datatable.bootstrap .datatable-body .datatable-body-row.datatable-row-even {
background-color: red;
i tried all these to set row colors for odd or even rows but these styles are not applying
Try using the class names directly as below should work:
.datatable-row-even {
background-color: red;
.datatable-row-odd {
background-color: blue;
Its working for me: Stackblitz Demo