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Wrong position of picturebox when turned visible in a scrollable panel


I'm developping a windows form c# app with visual studio 2017.

The app has a scrollable panel (AutoScroll = true) filled with buttons.

Each button is associated to a picturebox.

They both are overlapping and have the same size and are sharing the same Tag attribute.

The tags are: 0 for the btn0 and picBox0, 1 for the btn1 and picBox1, etc...

When a button is clicked, its Visible attribute is set to false and the corresponding picBox's Visible attribute is set to true.


When the picBox's visibility is set to true, it doesn't spawn/appear at the position it's placed in the designer of the form...

It looks like it doesn't spawn at a relative place in the parent panel...

Here's pictures to help yall understand my problem:

BEFORE: enter image description here

AFTER: enter image description here

You can barely see the borders of the picBox5, but they are there! (Zoom in! haha)

Before you ask:

YES, the picBox has the good Tag (5)

The position is fine in the designer and is not changed when the app is runing.

I looked with the debugger and the position seems fine...

I'm wondering if the picBox takes its position from the parent form instead of the parent scrollable panel?

How do I make the picture box spawn at the appropriate position?


  • All I had to do was reset the location of the target picBox taking in consideration the position of the scrollbar:

    picBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(picBox.Location.X + panel.AutoScrollPosition.X, picBox.Location.Y + panel.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
    picBox.Visible = true;

    You also need to make sure that the change of visibility is AFTER the relocation.

    This visibility change makes the scrollbar change its position and it makes the relocation wrong.