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java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in Android animation

There is something I miss with the notion of Synchronizing code in Android.


There are always 3 items drawn on the screen. Each image is stored in a ArrayList (lstGraphics). For this purpose I use a SurfaceView. Once the user taps on a image, the image get's market to be removed and a new one will be added.

Code samples:


        public void run() {
            Canvas c;
            while (run) {
                c = null;
                try {
                    c = panel.getHolder().lockCanvas(null);
                      synchronized (panel.getHolder()) {


                } finally {
                    if (c != null) {

So as you can seem first I updatePhysics(). This means I calculate direction where each image will move to. In here I will also remove clicked images from my list. After that I check if I need to add a new Item in my list in manageAnimations() and then the final step draw the whole thing.

public class Panel extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
 public void manageAnimations()
          synchronized (this.getHolder()) {
        while (lstGraphics.size()<3) {

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
         synchronized (getHolder()) {
            if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                 //... check if a image has been clicked and then set its property


            return true;

 public void updatePhysics() {
       synchronized (getHolder()) {

     for (Graphic graphic : lstGraphics) {
           //.... Do some checks
     if (graphic.isTouched())

    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
         /// draw the backgrounds and each element from lstGraphics

public class Graphic {

        private Bitmap bitmap;
            private boolean touched;
            private Coordinates initialCoordinates; 

The error I get is:

> 03-01 10:01:53.365: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): Uncaught handler: thread Thread-12 exiting due to uncaught exception 
> 03-01 10:01:53.365: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
> 03-01 10:01:53.365: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at java.util.AbstractList$
> 03-01 10:01:53.365: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at com.test.customcontrols.Panel.updatePhysics(
> 03-01 10:01:53.365: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  • Your problem is in your physics method, where you add the graphic and the list

    public void updatePhysics() {
        synchronized (getHolder()) {
            for (Graphic graphic : lstGraphics) {
            //.... Do some checks
            if (graphic.isTouched()) {
                lstGraphics.remove(graphic); //your problem

    the combination of for(Graphic graphic : lstGraphics) and lst.Graphics.remove(graphic); causes the ConcurrentModificationException because you are running over your list and concurrently try to modify it.

    So far I know two solutions:

    1. Use an Iterator instead if one is available (never coded for Android so far).

      while (iter.hasNext) {
          if (physicsCondition) iter.remove();
    2. use a second list to store the elements to remove and remove them afterwards

      List<GraphicsItem> toRemove = new ....
      for (Graphic graphic : lstGraphics) {
          if (physicsCondition) {