Okay so from my previous question this is one iteration of how I am pulling data from the SQL Server and then inserting that same data into CtreeACE where the table is already setup for the values to be stored in there. When I run the code I get
Things I have tried:
Here is the code
class Program
static CtreeSqlConnection _conn;
static CtreeSqlCommand cmd;
static CtreeSqlDataReader reader;
static void Main(string[] args)
{ //Creating the connection to the SQL server
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Server=bldg-db-pri.MDHUN.us.ups.com\\p001;Database=D90;Integrated Security=true");
//Open the connection
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT TOP(100) l.tracingID, u.Sch_dt, p.address, p.city, p.state, u.zip, m.Time " +
"FROM D490AD0.dbo.TUWUOW1 u WITH (nolock) " +
"INNER JOIN D90.dbo.TUW p WITH (nolock) ON p.UOW = u.UOW " +
"INNER JOIN D90.dbo.TUW2 l WITH (nolock) ON l.UOW = u.UOW " +
"CROSS JOIN D90.dbo.tTN m " +
"WHERE " +
"u.Sch_dt = '2018-07-23' ", conn); //query that intializes after the connection is opened
using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine($"{reader["tracingID"]} |" +
$"{reader["Time"]} |" +
$"{reader["state"]} |" +
$"{reader["address1"]} |" +
$"{reader["address1"]} |" +
$"{reader["address3"]} |" +
$"{reader["city"]} |" +
$"{reader["zip"]} |" +
DataInsertion($"{reader["tracingID"]} " ,
$"{reader["Time"]} " ,
$"{reader["state"]} " ,
$"{reader["address1"]} ",
$"{reader["address1"]} " ,
$"{reader["address3"]} ",
$"{reader["city"]} " ,
$"{reader["zip"]} " ,
catch (CtreeSqlException e)
Console.WriteLine(e + " couldn't run method");
public static void DataInsertion(string tracingID, string Time, string state, string address1, string address2, string address3, string city, string zip, string Sch_dt)
_conn = new CtreeSqlConnection();
_conn.ConnectionString = "UID=ADMIN;PWD=ADMIN;Database=AttributeDB;Server=localhost;Service=6597;";
if (_conn == null)
Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to Ctree");
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tbl6(tracingID, Time, state, address, city, zipcode, dates) VALUES(tracingID, Time, state ,address, city, zip, Sch_dt)";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(tracingID));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(Time));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(state));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(address));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(city));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(zip));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(Sch_dt));
catch (CtreeSqlException ctsqlEx)
Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong with the command script");
This is where the method inserts the pulled data into the Ctreedatabase
CtreeSqlCommand cmd = new CtreeSqlCommand("INSERT INTO tbl6(tracingID, Time, state, address, city, zipcode, dates) VALUES(tracingID, Time, state ,address, city, zip, Sch_dt)", _conn);
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(tracingID));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(Time));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(state));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(address));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(city));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(zip));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(Sch_dt));
I assume the values aren't being passed in? Everytime I run the program none of the values show up within the ctree database
Exceptions after code runs
Ctree.Data.SqlClient.CtreeSqlException (0x7FFFB1DD): Syntax error ---> Ctree.SqlClient.Common.FcSqlException: Syntax error
at Ctree.SqlClient.FcSqlXApi.SQLExec(FcStatement stmt, Int32 InStatementType, FcSqlDA ida, FcSqlDA oda, FcSqlCA sqlca)
at Ctree.SqlClient.FcSqlXApi.Prepare(FcStatement stmt, FcSqlDA input_sqlda, FcSqlDA output_sqlda, Int32 fetchSize)
at Ctree.SqlClient.FcConnection.Prepare(FcStatement statement, FcSqlDA inputDA, FcSqlDA outputDA, Int32 fetchSize)
at Ctree.SqlClient.FcPreparedStatement..ctor(FcConnection connexion, String sql, Int32 fetchSize, Int32 timeout)
at Ctree.Data.SqlClient.CtreeSqlCommand.InternalPrepare(Boolean resultSet)
at Ctree.Data.SqlClient.CtreeSqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Ctree.Data.SqlClient.CtreeSqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Could you try replacing:
CtreeSqlCommand cmd = new CtreeSqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO tbl6(tracingID, Time, state, address, city, zipcode, dates)
VALUES(tracingID, Time, state ,address, city, zip, Sch_dt)", _conn);
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter(tracingID));
With something like this:
CtreeSqlCommand cmd = new CtreeSqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO tbl6(tracingID, Time, state, address, city, zipcode, dates)
VALUES(@tracingID, @Time, @state, @address, @city, @zip, @Sch_dt)", _conn);
cmd.Parameters.Add(new CtreeSqlParameter("@tracingID", tracingId));
etc. i.e. do the same for all the other parameters.
Note I split your command onto two lines, just to make it more obvious that I added an "@" before each parameter value, so this was just for readability.