foldr :: (a->b->b)->b->[a]->b
From that we get a->b->b=[c]->Int->c
or a=[c],b=Int,b=c
We conclude that type of foldr (!!) is Int->[[Int]]->Int
Is it correct?
WinGHCi tells me something different:
Prelude> :t foldr (!!)
foldr (!!) :: Foldable t => Int -> t [Int] -> Int
The foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
indeed in the early days had the signature (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
, but they have generalized the function, such that it not only works with lists (where t ~ []
), but with other Foldable
types (like Maybe
, Sum
, etc. as well). But for the list case, nothing changes, the function is simply applicable to more Foldable
In that case we take as ingredients:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
(!!) :: [c] -> Int -> c
or more verbose:
foldr :: (a -> (b -> b)) -> (b -> ([a] -> b))
(!!) :: [c] -> (Int -> c)
Since (!!)
is the parameter of the call with foldr
as function, we know that the type of the (!!) :: [c] -> (Int -> c)
function should match with the type of the parameter of foldr
, so (a -> b -> b)
. So that means:
a -> (b -> b)
~ [c] -> (Int -> c)
a ~ [c], b ~ c ~ Int
So we know that a
is the same type as [c]
, and that both b
and c
are actually Int
. Therefore we know that a ~ [Int]
So now the type of foldr (!!)
is the output type of foldr
, but specialized with what we derived, so:
b -> ([a] -> b)
which is equal to:
Int -> ([[Int]] -> Int)
or less verbose:
Int -> [[Int]] -> Int
In that case we take as ingredients:
foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
(!!) :: [c] -> Int -> c
and we follow the same reasoning for the first parameter of foldr
a -> (b -> b)
~ [c] -> (Int -> c)
a ~ [c], b ~ c ~ Int
So the output type of foldr
Foldable t => b -> (t a -> b)
or specified with what we know:
Foldable t => Int -> t [Int] -> Int
Which is what ghci
As for the semantics, the function:
f = foldr (!!)
takes as input an Int
(an index), and a Foldable
of lists of Int
s. In case of a list, it will - right-to-left - obtain the element with that index, of the most right list, and use that element as an index for the one last but one list. We keep doing that until the first list, and return the element.
For example:
foldr (!!) 1 [] -> 1
foldr (!!) 1 [[2, 0]] -> 0
foldr (!!) 1 [[3, 5], [2, 0]] -> 3
For the t ~ Maybe
case, we will thus return the original index in case of a Nothing
, or we will return the element at that index in case it is a Just [1, 4, 2, 5]
(a Just
that carries a [Int]
object). For example:
foldr (!!) 1 Nothing -> 1
foldr (!!) 3 Nothing -> 3
foldr (!!) 1 (Just [1, 4, 2, 5])-> 4
foldr (!!) 3 (Just [1, 4, 2, 5])-> 5