I have step:
Then I should see validation error "Some text"
I use this string for XPATH in my step definition. And I also have the text for this error like this:
"Some "text""
I tried to write something like this:
Then I should see validation error "Some \"text\""
But it wasn't helpful. How should I manage this?
Gherkin file:
Feature: test for stackoverflow
Scenario Outline: Function to validate stackoverflow.
Then I should see validation error "Some text"
Java implementation (old version):
@Then("I should see validation error \"(.*)\"")
public void sof(String someText) {
System.out.println("Your text is: " + someText);
Java implementation:
@Then("I should see validation error {string}")
public void sof(String someText) {
System.out.println("Your text is: " + someText);
Your text is: Some text