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BeagleBone Black PRU overlay Syntax error

I try to use beagle bone black pru according the "Exploring BeagleBone" book (Derek Moloy) Exploring BeagleBone page 511

I have cloned the github repristory of this book and I try to use that overlay but I have a syntax error. my Console

I don't know what is the reason of this error.


  • That book was written some time ago and thus expects things to be in the way they were at that time. You will need to reenable 'capemanager'. This is covered in the official wiki.

    Another aspect of current images is that you will need to choose between UIO and remoteproc for communicating with the PRU.

    • /lib/firmware/AM335X-PRU-UIO-00A0.dtbo
    • /lib/firmware/AM335X-PRU-RPROC-*-00A0.dtbo (replace * by correct kernel version reference)

    Unless that example from the book contains the necessary parts already.