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Convert an integer value to a string with an enum as basis

I have been learning C++ for a few weeks and I am now trying to program a little thing by myself and practice what I learned at the same time.

So my program is a poker hand distributor.

I started by creating a simple "card" class which contains two methods, value and suit.

At first I tried to do an enum for both, but I couldn't set the enum with integers (for exampleenum value {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,T,J,Q,K,A} doesn't work, which is normal.

My enum for suits works just fine, it's just that when I want to print a card (i implemented operator<< in my class) I don't know how to convert my integers to the corresponding suits. I will get for example 10 1 for ten of spades. I would like to know how to convert this in my operator<<() function to get something like T s when I want to print a card using cout << card which contains the informations 10 and 1



tldr I want to know how to convert for example "10 1" to "T s (T spades)" while keeping 2 to 9 as such (9 1->9 s)

Thank you!!


  • I want to know how to convert for example "10 1" to "T s (T spades)" while keeping 2 to 9 as such (9 1->9 s)

    You can use couple of arrays to map the numbers to strings.

    std::string valueMap[13] = {"A", "2", ..., "Q", "K"};
    std::string suitMap[4] = {"Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"};

    Assuming you use an enum with values 1-13 for the value and an enum with values 1-4 for the suit, you can use valueMap[value-1] to get the string for the value and use suitMap[suit-1] to get the string for the suit.