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How to get webform title and category with no submissions in view or hook?

I have a survey form created with webform module. I have to display all survey form title with submissions and without submissions with webform category on home page. But it displaying only submitted survey forms title. How can I display webform title with zero submission in drupal 8?


  • use below code as a function in your module file and call it on your custom block.

    function module_name_webformtitle(){
      $query = Drupal::service('entity.query')->get('webform');
      $query->condition('category', 'survey_name');//your survey name
      $entity_ids = $query->execute();
      foreach($entity_ids as $webid){
      $webform = Webform::loadMultiple($webform_id);
       foreach($webform as $webforms){