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Python :Nested for loops fail on the second loop

I am trying to divide a large data set into smaller parts for an analysis. I been using a for-loop to divide the data set before implementing the decision trees. Please see a small version of the data set below:

ANZSCO4_CODE          Skill_name              Cluster         date
  1110                  computer                 S              1
  1110                  communication            C              1
  1110                  SAS                      S              2
  1312                  IT support               S              1
  1312                  SAS                      C              2
  1312                  IT support               S              1
  1312                  SAS                      C              1

First step I create an empty dictionary:

d = {}

and the lists:

 list = [1110, 1322, 2111]
 s_type = ['S','C']

Then run the following loop:

for i in list:
    d[i]=pd.DataFrame(df1[df1['ANZSCO4_CODE'].isin([i])] )

The result is a dictionary with 2 data sets inside.

As a next step I would like to subdivide the data sets into S and C. I run the following code:

for i in list:
    d[i]=pd.DataFrame(df1[df1['ANZSCO4_CODE'].isin([i])] )

    for b in s_type:
         d[i]=  d[i][d[i]['SKILL_CLUSTER_TYPE']==b]

As a final result I would expect to have 4 separate data sets, being: 1110 x S, 1110 x C , 1312 x S and 1312 and C.

However when I implement the second code I get only 2 data sets inside the dictionary and they are empty.


  • I think there was empty DataFrames, because in data was not values from list called L (Dont use variable name list, because python reserved word).

    from  itertools import product
    L = [1110, 1312, 2111]
    s_type = ['S','C']

    Then create all combinations all lists:

    comb = list(product(L, s_type))
    print (comb)
    [(1110, 'S'), (1110, 'C'), (1312, 'S'), (1312, 'C'), (2111, 'S'), (2111, 'C')]

    And last create dictionary of DataFrames:

    d = {}
    for i, j in comb:
        d['{}x{}'.format(i, j)] = df1[(df1['ANZSCO4_CODE'] == i) & (df1['Cluster'] == j)]

    Or use dictionary comprehension:

    d = {'{}x{}'.format(i, j): df1[(df1['ANZSCO4_CODE'] == i) & (df1['Cluster'] == j)] 
          for i, j in comb}

    print (d['1110xS'])
       ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster
    0          1110   computer       S
    2          1110        SAS       S


    If need all combinations of possible data by columns use groupby:

    d = {'{}x{}x{}'.format(i,j,k): df2 
          for (i,j, k), df2 in df1.groupby(['ANZSCO4_CODE','Cluster','date'])}
    print (d)
    {'1110xCx1':    ANZSCO4_CODE     Skill_name Cluster  date
    1          1110  communication       C     1, '1110xSx1':    ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster  date
    0          1110   computer       S     1, '1110xSx2':    ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster  date
    2          1110        SAS       S     2, '1312xCx1':    ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster  date
    6          1312        SAS       C     1, '1312xCx2':    ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster  date
    4          1312        SAS       C     2, '1312xSx1':    ANZSCO4_CODE  Skill_name Cluster  date
    3          1312  IT support       S     1
    5          1312  IT support       S     1}
    print (d.keys())
    dict_keys(['1110xCx1', '1110xSx1', '1110xSx2', '1312xCx1', '1312xCx2', '1312xSx1'])

    Another different approach is if need processes each group is use GroupBy.apply:

    def func(x):
        print (x)
        #some code for process each group
        return x
       ANZSCO4_CODE     Skill_name Cluster  date
    1          1110  communication       C     1
       ANZSCO4_CODE     Skill_name Cluster  date
    1          1110  communication       C     1
       ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster  date
    0          1110   computer       S     1
       ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster  date
    2          1110        SAS       S     2
       ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster  date
    6          1312        SAS       C     1
       ANZSCO4_CODE Skill_name Cluster  date
    4          1312        SAS       C     2
       ANZSCO4_CODE  Skill_name Cluster  date
    3          1312  IT support       S     1
    5          1312  IT support       S     1
    df2 = df1.groupby(['ANZSCO4_CODE','Cluster','date']).apply(func)
    print (df2)