I am trying to build my own <MySelect>
component where the user passes in their own <option>
s. Like this:
<MySelect label="Pick a color" onChange={...}>
<option value="blue">(ReasonReact.string("Blue"))</option>
<option value="red">(ReasonReact.string("Red"))</option>
<option value="green">(ReasonReact.string("Green"))</option>
But I don't understand how to handle the children
within the MySelect
. The docs (and here) doesn't show a full example.
/* ... */
make = (~label, ~onChange, children) =>
<select onChange=onChange>
I get
Error: function call with [@@bs.val "createElement"] is a primitive with [@bs.splice], it expects its `bs.splice` argument to be a syntactic array in the call site and all arguments to be supplied
Without the spread (so children
instead of ...children
) I get
Did you pass an array as a ReasonReact DOM (lower-case) component's children?
If not, disregard this. If so, please use `ReasonReact.createDomElement`:
Here's the original error message
This has type:
But somewhere wanted:
I am sure both these error messages combined with the docs tell me all that I need to know; there are just too many unknown words for me to make sense of it.
I have also attempted to google for examples (it would seem like a fairly normal usecase), but everywhere I find, they ignore the children entirely.
is a DOM (lowercase) component so you'll need to use createDomElement
. The relevant section in the docs is here: https://reasonml.github.io/reason-react/docs/en/children.html#pitfall. To modify your example a little bit with an example:
module MySelect = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("MySelect");
let make = (~label, ~onChange, children) => {
render: _ =>
<div> (ReasonReact.string(label)) </div>
~props={"onChange": onChange},
module Example = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Example");
let make = _children => {
render: _ =>
<MySelect label="test" onChange=(value => Js.log(value))>
<option value="blue"> (ReasonReact.string("Blue")) </option>
<option value="red"> (ReasonReact.string("Red")) </option>
<option value="green"> (ReasonReact.string("Green")) </option>