I have a Foo object, and a std::list holding instances of it. My problem is that when I add a new instance to the list, it first calls the ctor but then also the dtor. And then the dtor on another instance (according to the this pointer).
A single instance is added to the list but since its dtor (along with its parents) is called, the object cant be used as expected.
Heres some simplified code to illustrate the problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
class Foo
int breakpoint = 0;
int breakpoint = 0;
int main()
std::list<Foo> li;
When you push_back() your Foo object, the object is copied to the list's internal data structures, therefore the Dtor and the Ctor of another instance are called.
All standard STL container types in C++ take their items by value, therefore copying them as needed. For example, whenever a vector needs to grow, it is possible that all values in the vector get copied.
Maybe you want to store pointers instead of objects in the list. By doing that, only the pointers get copied instead of the object. But, by doing so, you have to make sure to delete the objects once you are done:
for (std::list<Foo*>::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
delete *it;
Alternatively, you can try to use some kind of 'smart pointer' class, for example from the Boost libraries.