I am learning graphql and following this tutorial https://www.howtographql.com/react-apollo/1-getting-started/
i have installed prisma using npm install -g prisma
and while running this command prisma deploy
in server folder iam getting this error:
config CWD /Users/aravind/tekie/hackernews-react-apollo/server +0ms
config HOME /Users/aravind +2ms
config definitionDir /Users/aravind/tekie/hackernews-react-apollo/server/database +5ms
config definitionPath /Users/aravind/tekie/hackernews-react-apollo/server/database/prisma.yml +0ms
cli { isGlobal: true } +0ms
StatusChecker setting status checker +0ms
cli command id deploy +7ms
cli:plugincache Got plugin from cache +0ms
cli:plugincache /Users/aravind/Library/Caches/prisma/plugins.json +1ms
cli:plugincache Got plugin from cache +1ms
cli:plugincache /Users/aravind/Library/Caches/prisma/plugins.json +0ms
plugins findCommand prisma-cli-core +0ms
plugin requiring command +0ms
cli-engine:plugins:manager requiring /usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/prisma-cli-core +0ms
portfinder:defaultHosts exports._defaultHosts is: [ '', '', '::1', 'fe80::1', 'fe80::18fb:a4af:2b44:3fea', '', '2405:204:6209:18b0:144f:bac3:86ac:3cdf', '2405:204:6209:18b0:fd46:e3b7:952f:d569', 'fe80::1c49:3cff:fe5f:7e16', 'fe80::3e5f:ab5d:16dd:a8bf' ] +0ms
cli-engine:plugins:manager required +538ms
plugin required command +540ms
StatusChecker setting status checker +569ms
Error: Cluster undefined does not exist.
at Deploy.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/prisma-cli-core/src/commands/deploy/index.ts:175:13)
at step (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/prisma-cli-core/dist/commands/deploy/index.js:42:23)
at Object.next (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/prisma-cli-core/dist/commands/deploy/index.js:23:53)
at fulfilled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/prisma-cli-core/dist/commands/deploy/index.js:14:58)
at <anonymous>
util timed out +0ms
Exiting with code: 0
up to this all the set-up was correct and I am unable to run this command. Any help is appreciated.
I also witnessed the same problem that you identified while trying to deploy the service, following the same tutorial.
I stumbled upon the "solution" from the tutorial writer itself, in this GitHub issue:
The current version of the tutorial just works with Prisma CLI versions < 1.7, so be sure you have some 1.6.x version installed. You can check your current prisma version with this command:
prisma version
Then uninstall and install the correct version like this:
npm uninstall -g prisma
npm install -g prisma@1.6.3