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How can I prevent IntelliJ IDEA from reassigning file type associations at startup?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 18.1 and Jenkinsfile support is awful. Thankfully, treating the file as Groovy is a workaround I can live with.

This involves

  1. Removing the Jenkinsfile association
  2. Adding Jenkinsfile under the Groovy group

The problem is every time IDEA starts up fresh, it will remove Jenkinsfile association and, since (1) the original association has been removed, treat these files as plain text.

File type recognized: File extension Jenkinsfile was reassigned to Jenkins file Revert

File type recognized: File extension Jenkinsfile was reassigned to Jenkins file

How can I prevent this?


  • It's a known bug fixed in IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2. 2018.2 will be released this week.