this might be the possible the duplicate of this. On PlayStore I selected no ads and on last updated, I implemented ads and forgot to update that on distribution. I followed this answer but didn't get any success. Every morning ads are visible but after some time they are not visible. While debugging I got this error response from onAdFailedToLoad
Failed to load ad: 3
I am using the banner and interstitial ads. Yesterday total request was 81k but only fulfilled 3.3k. Thanks in advance.
possible cause:
set debug flag and verbose logs to exclude...
Hi thanks for reply, what is CROSS ORIGIN EXECUTION BLOCKING? – Harish Kamboj 57 secs ago
I didn't get some time they work and some they not is there any way to fix that? – Harish Kamboj 23 secs ago
ad 1,3,6/ * - NO YOU CANT FIX IT
ad 2/ lower or disable minimum CPK/CPA/CPM etc
ad 4/ try debug against thrown exceptions
ad 5/ ** - PARTIAL MAYBE -> refacor code for long waiters (synchronization)
ad 7/ monit requests from client
Thanks @ceph3us - Harish Kamboj 39 secs ago
from personall experience - Admob has some problems with filling from about 2 months... maybe the cause is a high load or advertisers escape.. best ask at source :)