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Applying my custom function to a data frame python

I have a dataframe with a column called Signal. I want to add a new column to that dataframe and apply a custom function i've built. I'm very new at this and I seem to be having trouble when it comes to passing values that I'm getting out of a data frame column into a function so any help as to my syntax errors or reasoningg would be greatly appreciated!


This is my simple function

def slope_test(x):
    if x >0 and x<20:
        return 'Long'
    elif x<0 and x>-20:
        return 'Short'
        return 'Flat'

I keep getting this error: ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

Here is the code i've tried:

data['Position'] = data.apply(slope_test(data['Signal']))

and also:

data['Position'] = data['Signal'].apply(slope_test(data['Signal']))


  • You can use for a vectorised solution:

    import numpy as np
    conditions = [df['Signal'].between(0, 20, inclusive=False),
                  df['Signal'].between(-20, 0, inclusive=False)]
    values = ['Long', 'Short']
    df['Cat'] =, values, 'Flat')


    You are attempting to perform operations on a series as if it were a scalar. This won't work for the reason explained in your error. In addition, your logic for pd.Series.apply is incorrect. This method takes a function as an input. Therefore, you can simply use df['Signal'].apply(slope_test).

    But pd.Series.apply is a glorified, inefficient loop. You should utilise the vectorised functionality available with NumPy arrays underlying your Pandas dataframe. In fact, this a good reason for using Pandas in the first place.