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Crystal Reports Incorrect Grand Total

I tried looking for the answer but all the questions were more complicated, needing more complicated answers.

I'm trying to find the sum of a column in Crystal Reports, putting it into the footer, but when I do it gets a grand total that is totally incorrect. For example, i want to find the sum of the column balance, which has only got one row with £0.68, but CR puts £69.36. I have had to suppress the duplicates, so that probably has something to do with it, but since i'm new to everything code related I need some help.


  • The duplicate values you are seeing most likely are not a bug, but rather are data columns that have a many-to-one relationship with other data columns in a joined data table. Which is when grouping your data becomes necessary. For example, within a database one Invoice record typically joins with 1 or more Invoice Detail records. Each Invoice Detail record will have the same Invoice Number, and you will have duplicate Invoice Number values in your report. You say you begin by filtering your report to a single customer, but if that customer has more than one invoice, without a grouping level on Invoice Number, then the details section is the only place you can print the Invoice Number and it will duplicate over and over again for each item on the invoice that is defined on your Invoice Detail table. By grouping on Invoice Number you can use the group header section to print data fields that have a 1-to-1 relationship with any one invoice without duplicating them. Then you can use a summary field in the group footer section that properly reflects your grouped data without counting the duplicate values.