Set up :
I have created a Matlab handle class called "Participant' for reading and operating on certain research data. I have created multiple instances of this object and saved them to the hard disk with no problem. I have also checked my problematic instance to ensure that it is functional in Matlab. There does not seem to be any bugs with the instance.
The problem
However, on certain instances, for no clear reason to me, Matlab gets stuck on an infinite loop writing to disk. This is evident in looking at the .mat fiels output's modification date which keeps changing per minute and in the fact that my Matlab instance slows down tremendously.
The code to create the the participant is
myparticipant = participant([basedir ,p_folder{p_num}]);
Methods tried
I have saved to disk by right clicking in the workspace which results in the problem above.
Using the save function, I get :
save('test.mat', 'myparticipant')
Error using save
Error closing file test.mat.
The file may be corrupt.
and of course it won't load after.
Any insight would be appreciated as I'm not sure how to start approaching this issue.
Thanks to excaza's comment I was able to spot this issue. As I explained in my comment response, the problem was that because I was using a handle class, the size of my data shown in working memory was much small. However, my data size was actualy bigger than 2gb. In these cases, you have to use Matlab's "-V7.3" keyword to save to file! adding that flag did it for me.