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Add an event to all Forms in a Project

If I want to display the size of every Form in my Project in the Form's Title what will be the best approach?
I don't want to manually put a event handler in every Form.
I want the process to be automatic.
Something like a overloaded Load() event that adds a handler on the resize event.


  • Here is an attempt to implement an Automation solution to the problem.

    The problem:
    Attach one or more Event Handlers to each existing Form in a Project (or a subset of them), without editing/modifying these classes existing code.

    A possible solution comes from UIAutomation, which provides means to detect when a new Window is opened and reports the event to the subscribers of its own Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler, when the EventId of its AutomationEvent is set to a WindowPattern pattern.
    The AutomationElement member must be set to AutomationElement.RootElement and the Scope member to TreeScope.SubTree.

    Automation, for each AutomationElement that raises the AutomationEvent, reports:

    • the Element.Name (corresponding to the Windows Title)
    • the Process ID
    • the Window Handle (as an Integer value)

    These values are quite enough to identify a Window that belongs to the current process; the Window handle allows to identify the opened Form instance, testing the Application.OpenForms() collection.

    When the Form is singled out, a new Event Handler can be attached to an Event of choice.

    By expanding this concept, it's possible to create a predefined List of Events and a List of Forms to attach these events to.
    Possibly, with a class file to include in a Project when required.

    As a note, some events will not be meaningful in this scenario, because the Automation reports the opening of a Window when it is already shown, thus the Load() and Shown() events belong to the past.

    I've tested this with a couple of events (Form.Resize() and Form.Activate()), but in the code here I'm using just .Resize() for simplicity.

    This is a graphics representation of the process.
    Starting the application, the Event Handler is not attached to the .Resize() event.
    It's just because a Boolean fields is set to False.
    Clicking a Button, the Boolean field is set to True, enabling the registration of the Event Handler.
    When the .Resize() event is registered, all Forms' Title will report the current size of the Window.

    Global Handlers

    Test environment:
    Visual Studio 2017 pro 15.7.5
    .Net FrameWork 4.7.1

    Imported Namespaces:

    Reference Assemblies:

    MainForm code:

    Imports System.Diagnostics
    Imports System.Windows
    Imports System.Windows.Automation
    Public Class MainForm
        Friend GlobalHandlerEnabled As Boolean = False
        Protected Friend FormsHandler As List(Of Form) = New List(Of Form)
        Protected Friend ResizeHandler As EventHandler
        Public Sub New()
            ResizeHandler =
                    Sub(obj, args)
                        Dim CurrentForm As Form = TryCast(obj, Form)
                        CurrentForm.Text = CurrentForm.Text.Split({" ("}, StringSplitOptions.None)(0) &
                                                                   $" ({CurrentForm.Width}, {CurrentForm.Height})"
                    End Sub
                        Sub(UIElm, evt)
                            If Not GlobalHandlerEnabled Then Return
                            Dim element As AutomationElement = TryCast(UIElm, AutomationElement)
                            If element Is Nothing Then Return
                            Dim NativeHandle As IntPtr = CType(element.Current.NativeWindowHandle, IntPtr)
                            Dim ProcessId As Integer = element.Current.ProcessId
                            If ProcessId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id Then
                                Dim CurrentForm As Form = Nothing
                                Invoke(New MethodInvoker(
                                        CurrentForm = Application.OpenForms.
                                               OfType(Of Form)().
                                               FirstOrDefault(Function(f) f.Handle = NativeHandle)
                                    End Sub))
                                If CurrentForm IsNot Nothing Then
                                    Dim FormName As String = FormsHandler.FirstOrDefault(Function(f) f?.Name = CurrentForm.Name)?.Name
                                    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(FormName) Then
                                        RemoveHandler CurrentForm.Resize, ResizeHandler
                                        FormsHandler.Remove(FormsHandler.Where(Function(fn) fn.Name = FormName).First())
                                    End If
                                    Invoke(New MethodInvoker(
                                        CurrentForm.Text = CurrentForm.Text & $" ({CurrentForm.Width}, {CurrentForm.Height})"
                                    End Sub))
                                    AddHandler CurrentForm.Resize, ResizeHandler
                                End If
                            End If
                        End Sub)
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnOpenForm_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOpenForm.Click
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnEnableHandlers_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEnableHandlers.Click
            GlobalHandlerEnabled = True
        End Sub
        Private Sub btnDisableHandlers_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisableHandlers.Click
            GlobalHandlerEnabled = False
            If FormsHandler IsNot Nothing Then
                For Each Item As Form In FormsHandler
                    RemoveHandler Item.Resize, ResizeHandler
                    Item = Nothing
            End If
            FormsHandler = New List(Of Form)
            Me.Text = Me.Text.Split({" ("}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)(0)
        End Sub
    End Class

    This previous code is placed inside the app Starting Form (for testing), but it might be preferable to have a Module to include in the Project when needed, without touching the current code.

    To get this to work, add a new Module (named Program) which contains a Public Sub Main(), and change the Project properties to start the application from Sub Main() instead of a Form.
    Remove the check mark on Use Application Framework and choose Sub Main from the Startup object Combo.

    All the code can be transferred to the Sub Main proc with a couple of modifications:

    Imports System
    Imports System.Diagnostics
    Imports System.Windows
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports System.Windows.Automation
    Module Program
        Friend GlobalHandlerEnabled As Boolean = True
        Friend FormsHandler As List(Of Form) = New List(Of Form)
        Friend ResizeHandler As EventHandler
        Public Sub Main()
            Dim MyMainForm As MainForm = New MainForm()
            ResizeHandler =
                    Sub(obj, args)
                        Dim CurrentForm As Form = TryCast(obj, Form)
                        CurrentForm.Text = CurrentForm.Text.Split({" ("}, StringSplitOptions.None)(0) &
                                                                   $" ({CurrentForm.Width}, {CurrentForm.Height})"
                    End Sub
                        Sub(UIElm, evt)
                            If Not GlobalHandlerEnabled Then Return
                            Dim element As AutomationElement = TryCast(UIElm, AutomationElement)
                            If element Is Nothing Then Return
                            Dim NativeHandle As IntPtr = CType(element.Current.NativeWindowHandle, IntPtr)
                            Dim ProcessId As Integer = element.Current.ProcessId
                            If ProcessId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id Then
                                Dim CurrentForm As Form = Nothing
                                If Not MyMainForm.IsHandleCreated Then Return
                                MyMainForm.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(
                                        CurrentForm = Application.OpenForms.
                                               OfType(Of Form)().
                                               FirstOrDefault(Function(f) f.Handle = NativeHandle)
                                    End Sub))
                                If CurrentForm IsNot Nothing Then
                                    Dim FormName As String = FormsHandler.FirstOrDefault(Function(f) f?.Name = CurrentForm.Name)?.Name
                                    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(FormName) Then
                                        RemoveHandler CurrentForm.Resize, ResizeHandler
                                        FormsHandler.Remove(FormsHandler.Where(Function(fn) fn.Name = FormName).First())
                                    End If
                                    AddHandler CurrentForm.Resize, ResizeHandler
                                    CurrentForm.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(
                                        CurrentForm.Text = CurrentForm.Text & $" ({CurrentForm.Width}, {CurrentForm.Height})"
                                    End Sub))
                                End If
                            End If
                        End Sub)
        End Sub
    End Module