I have an XML file that I am trying edit via xmlstarlet in a bash script but I am unable to find any examples that have an xml formatted the same way as this one. Below is the xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="StringCollections" type="ALINetCoreConsole.Config.StringCollections, ALINetCoreConsole"/>
<add key="TCPAddress" value="192.168.xx.xx"/>
<add key="TCPPort" value="2101" />
<add key="ParsingFilesDirectory" value="/app/aliparsing"/>
<add key="MessageBossAddress" value="messageboss:9092"/>
<add key="AliRulesetReloadMinutes" value="30"/>
<add key="PsapId" value=""/>
<add key="MessageStarter" value="2"/>
<add key="MessageEnder" value="3"/>
<!-- Possible values are: Warn, Info, Debug -->
<add key="LogLevel" value="Warn"/>
<add message="K"/>
<add message="H"/>
The specific value I am trying to change via xmlstarlet is value="192.168.xx.xx"
So far I have figured out how to delete the entire line but something isn't clicking with me on the correct syntax to just change the IP address in the Value field.
I currently have the script written to use sed to find and replace the IP but it's ugly and relies on cut/rev so if for some reason that particular line had an extra space at the end or something similar then it would fail. I am looking for a more elegant and reliable solution with xmlstarlet.
Update an attribute with xmlstartlet:
xmlstarlet edit --update '//add[@value="192.168.xx.xx"]/@value' --value '' file.xml
xmlstarlet edit --update '//add[@key="TCPAddress"]/@value' --value '' file.xml