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Ag-Grid: How to save and reload column order

Using Ag-Grid, users can drag columns to order them the way they like. I need to allow the user to save their column order (to an SQL backend) so that it becomes the default column order for them. I was trying to get the column names like this:

var cols = schedGridOptions.columnApi.getAllColumns();
for (col in cols) {
    var colDef = col.getColDef();

This was an example I found for setting the header name, so I tried to adapt it to getting the header name. But I get this error:

JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'getColDef'

Perhaps I'm not doing this correctly? I'm fairly new at using Ag-Grid. Looking for suggestions.


  • You are looking for setColumnState() and getColumnState(). See the docs at

    In your grid options, set up event handlers for gridReady and columnMoved.

    Something like:

    gridOptions = {
       rowData: myRowDataSource,
       columnDefs: myColumns,
       onGridReady: onGridReady,
       onColumnMoved: onColumnMoved,

    On the column moved event, save the columnState. Here's an example saved to local storage. Change it to save to your database.

    onColumnMoved(params) {
      var columnState = JSON.stringify(params.columnApi.getColumnState());
      localStorage.setItem('myColumnState', columnState);

    On the grid ready event, get and restore the grid State. Again, change this to pull from your database.

    onGridReady(params) {
        var columnState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('myColumnState'));
        if (columnState) {
          params.columnApi.applyColumnState({state:columnState, applyOrder:true});

    Updated answer based on comments from @Sebastian and @jsN00b.