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Escape field name in jq that contains '@' and '-'?

Input JSON:

  "abc": {
    "@def-ghi": "value1",
    "xyz": "value2"

And I'm trying to get value for field @def-ghi.

➜ $?=0 ➤ echo '{"abc": {"@def-ghi": "value1", "xyz": "value2"}}' | jq ''
➜ $?=0 ➤ echo '{"abc": {"@def-ghi": "value1", "xyz": "value2"}}' | jq '.abc.@def-ghi'
jq: error: syntax error, unexpected '-', expecting QQSTRING_START (Unix shell quoting issues?) at <top-level>, line 1:
jq: 1 compile error
➜ $?=3 ➤

How to escape the field name properly?


  • You need to quote the key:

    $ echo '...' | jq '.abc."@def-ghi"'