I am trying to code a RFID access system that utilizes an actuator to turn on and off. I followed a simple tutorial that can be found here.
I completed the tutorial fully and now have encountered problems:
When running a simple program that reads a tags ID and TEXT associated with the tag, I come across errors that usually wouldn't be an error on the normal python, for example...
After running that code (labeled 'Python Code'), I come across...
I am extremely confused and need guidance or referral to anything I could possibly learn to help me finish this project. All or any help is appreciated and seriously considered.
Similar issue to this post.
You cannot concatenate a string and an integer so you must pull the id out of the object then typecast it to a string:
unsure what the 'id' name is within the object but let's assume it's 'id'
... (code above)
print('Place your tag to be read.')
id_obj, text = reader.read()
print('Your ID is ' + str(id_obj.id))
print('Your text is ' + text)
... (code below)