I am trying to determine the earliest available date for a item. The records below are examples of open purchase order dates.
If an sales order calls for Qty 150, the earliest date available would be 2018-09-06.
If a sales order called for Qty 160, the earliest date available would be 2018-09-28.
Using the statement below will only return the MAX date value of 2018-10-01, is there a way to grab the correct earliest date based on SUM(po_qty) >= sales_order_qty
IIF(SUM(po_qty) >= sales_order_qty,MAX(receive_date)) = 2018-10-01
branch item_id po_qty receive_date
VMXX 93111 50 2018-06-13
VMXX 93111 50 2018-08-02
VMXX 93111 50 2018-09-06
VMXX 93111 100 2018-09-28
VMXX 93111 50 2018-10-01
In most databases, you would use the ANSI-standard cumulative sum functionality:
select min(receive_date)
from (select t.*,
sum(po_qty) over (partition by branch, item_id order by receive_date) as running_qty
from t
where branch = ? and item_id = ?
) t
where running_qty >= ?;