I'm completely new at VBS scripts, however I prepared one to monitor Dynamics AOS service.
while ((Get-Service -name "AOS60*").status -eq "Running")
{Start-Sleep -s 30}
Send-MailMessage -From AOSmonitor@abc.com -To hub.pia@abc.com -Body "AOS Stopped" -Subject "AOS3 stopped" -SmtpServer
It works fine when I paste it into PowerShell and I get an email, but when I save it into file aos.vbs
and try to run it.
PS C:\> cscript aosMon.vbs Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\aosMon.vbs(1, 9) Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Syntax error
Any idea what I do wrong?
Similar way when I try to run this script in Task Scheduler (basic task, one time) it stays in Running and no email sent.
The PowerShell file extension is .ps1
and should be saved with the encoding UTF8-bom
. vbs
is short for visual basic script, which is not in any way synonymous with PowerShell. You should be able to save your contents into a filename.ps1
file and run it from the scheduler directly.
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
} while ((Get-Service -Name 'AOS60*').Status -eq 'Running')
$mailArgs = @{
From = 'AOSmonitor@abc.com'
To = 'hub.pia@abc.com'
Subject = 'AOS3 stopped'
Body = 'AOS Stopped'
SmtpServer = ''
Send-MailMessage @mailArgs
From here, you can set up the scheduled task. In Action
Add arguments (optional):
-NoProfile -NonInteractive -File "PATH\TO\filename.ps1"
Footnote: if you run into issue with execution policies, you can add
-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
to the arguments (before -File
) to get around that.