writing some tests with Pester and Powershell
Import-Module Module
Import-Module Pester
InModuleScope Module{
Describe 'Add-Patchgroup' {
Context 'Add_server_to_group_fail' {
Mock Add-ADGroupMember {throw [ADIdentityNotFoundException]}
It 'NotCorrectNamingConvention' {
{Add-Patchgroup -ComputerName "NotExistingServer" | Should -BeLike "WARNING: Could not reach*"}
It 'CorrectNamingConventionNotExistingServer' {
{Add-Patchgroup -ComputerName "<nameOfTheServer>" | Should -Throw}
Assert-MockCalled Add-ADGroupMember -Exactly 1
and got this output:
Context Add_server_to_group_fail
[+] NotCorrectNamingConvention 41ms
[+] CorrectNamingConventionNotExistingServer 5ms
[-] Error occurred in Context block 56ms
Expected Add-ADGroupMember in module PsLeanOps to be called 1 times exactly but was called 0 times
25: Assert-MockCalled Add-ADGroupMember -Exactly 1
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\a.antr01\Desktop\AddPatchGroups.Tests.ps1: line 25
at DescribeImpl, C:\Users\a.antr01\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\pester\Functions\Describe.ps1: line 171
Why the mocked Add-ADGroupMember
wasn't called?
To clarify:
- module name
- function in PSLeanOps
- AD cmdlet used in Add-Patchgroup
Modified the code as TheIncorrigible1 said. Here is the final code:
Mock Add-ADGroupMember {throw [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException]::new()}
It 'CorrectNamingConventionNotExistingServer' {
{Add-Patchgroup -ComputerName "<nameOfTheServer>" -ErrorAction Stop} | Should -Throw -ExceptionType "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException"
Assert-MockCalled Add-ADGroupMember -Exactly 1
The problem is your assertions. They shouldn't be in scriptblocks unless you're using -Throw
(you are), but even then, only the command:
It 'NotCorrectNamingConvention' {
Add-Patchgroup -ComputerName "NotExistingServer" | Should -BeLike "WARNING: Could not reach*"
It 'CorrectNamingConventionNotExistingServer' {
{ Add-Patchgroup -ComputerName "ATVT1WWFYC050" } | Should -Throw
As an aside, do you have a using namespace
statement or adding to type accelerators in your code? [ADIdentityNotFoundException]
should throw a type not found exception (and presumably, be called twice since you're calling the function twice).