In Google compute engine I can use an instance template to create a new VM from the template. This works fine using the GCE-console, and works fine, using the API, too (URL parameter "sourceInstanceTemplate").
How can I create a new GCE-VM from an instance template using googleapis/nodejs-compute (the Node.js GCE SDK)?
google-auth-library-nodejs can be used for accessing the GCE instances.insert API directly.
The following example is adapted from and works fine, if executed within GCE (in special, in a Google Cloud Function).
const zone = 'some-zone';
const name = 'a-name';
const sourceInstanceTemplate = `some-template-name`;
createVM(zone, name, sourceInstanceTemplate)
async function createVM(zone, vmName, templateName) {
const {auth} = require('google-auth-library');
const client = await auth.getClient({
scopes: ''
const projectId = await auth.getDefaultProjectId();
const sourceInstanceTemplate = `projects/${projectId}/global/instanceTemplates/${templateName}`;
const url = `${projectId}/zones/${zone}/instances?sourceInstanceTemplate=${sourceInstanceTemplate}`;
return await client.request({
url: url,
method: 'post',
data: {name: vmName}