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Rename tgz to tar.gz while using sbt-native-packager

I use the sbt-native-packager to build a gzipped tar file which has the extension .tgz. I then add that artifact using

artifact in (Compile, (packageZipTarball in Universal)) := {
  val previous: Artifact = (artifact in (Compile, (packageZipTarball in Universal))).value
 addArtifact(artifact in (Compile, (packageZipTarball in Universal)), (packageZipTarball in Universal))

With this config the .tgz file gets published as .tar.gz to Nexus or the local repo.

How can I rename the .tgz in the target directory to .tar.gz without affecting the artifact publishing


  • To make sure I got your question right:

    $ sbt universal:packageZipTarball

    produces a file with the extension .tgz. What you want is a file with the extension .tar.gz.

    You can achieve this by overrding the universal:packageZipTarball and simply move the result. I haven't tested this code, but it should give you a rough idea

    packageZipTarball in Universal := {
       val targzFile = universal:packageZipTarball
       val renamedFile = targzFile.getParent / targzFile.getName.replaceAll("\\.tgz$", ".tar.gz")
       IO.move(targzFile, renamedFile)

    Cheers, Muki