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Unwrap value from IO operation at a later time

Hello i was wondering how can you unwrap a value at a later time in the IO monad? If a<-expression binds the result to a then can't i use (<-expression) as a parameter for a given method eg: method (<-expression) where method method accepts the result of the evaluation?


let inh=openFile "myfile" WriteMode
let outh=openFile "out.txt" WriteMode 
hPutStrLn (<-outh) ((<-inh)>>=getLine)

I have not entered the Monad chapter just basic <- and do blocks but i suppose it has to do with monads. Then if i want to pass the result if the evaluation to hGetLine can't i use something like:



  • You already understand that <- operator kind of unwraps IO value, but it's actually the syntax of do notation and can be expressed like this (actually I'm not sure, which results you're trying to achieve, but the following example just reads the content from one file and puts the content to another file):

    import System.IO
    main = do
      inh <- openFile "myfile" ReadMode
      outh <- openFile "out.txt" WriteMode
      inContent <- hGetLine inh
      hPutStrLn outh inContent
      hClose outh

    According to documentation hGetLine, hPutStrlLn and hClose accept values of Handle type as an argument, but openFile returns IO Handle, so we need to unwrap it using <- operator

    But if you want to use >>= function instead, then this is one of the options of doing it:

    import System.IO
    writeContentOfMyFile :: Handle -> IO ()
    writeContentOfMyFile handler =
      openFile "myfile" ReadMode >>= hGetLine >>= hPutStrLn handler
    main =
      withFile "out.txt" WriteMode writeContentOfMyFile