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3D Web Sites and Applications

I have for the last several years been struggling to understand why the Internet has so few actually useful 3D web applications. It's 2009 and still everything looks like pages from a Sears catalog. You can turn on your TV and find flying logos every night. After that you can get nostalgic and flip on ol' N-64 and play some Zelda or Mario Kart. On the PC, Sims 2 is approaching 6 years old already.. And then there's WoW. Current generation of users - the Facebook crowd, let's say - has ~no~ problem dealing with multi-dimensional environments..

And yet, nothing really immersive seems to happen on the web. I've been hearing about VRML and X3D for at least 10 years and ... pffft .. - nothing earth shaking going on there. Java 3D ? .. cool ! .. but ...... Still .... waiting and waiting.

Do you think it will take a killer-web app before people become accustomed-to or will seek to use what could more more engaging web experiences?

I am not talking about Second Life and other dedicated downloaded applications. I probably am more focused on apps like Lively or SceneCaster or Hangout or a half dozen others that are delivered 'painlessly' directly into web pages.

My own particular interest is in the domain of virtual stores and immersive shopping. Its been a challenge trying to understand why an average user would not want to browse and wander a changing mall-space - like in the real world -- entertained by unexpected discovery.

Is the 3D web always going to be 5 years in the future ?


  • 3D shops seem to bring the disadvantages of real world malls to the Internet. Do people really want to "walk" through Amazon to find what they're looking for?

    It's much faster to scroll through a list of search results on a page than to navigate through a three dimensional space to look at the same results.

    The link given in a previous comment ( illustrates that quite well (even though it's basically a 2D interface with zooming).

    3D has its place when it comes to looking at individual items. Several sites already feature "surround views" of their goods. This seems to add value for the customers, which is why it is being done.

    I'm not so sure whether 3D is such a good idea for navigation, though.