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Is there any way to delete contact from contact list?

My application requires an alternate contact while installing an app.When I run install & register app there are no contacts in new devices bydefault.

I have found an adb command to add an contact in contact list

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.INSERT -t -e name 'Alternate Contact' -e phone 72xxxxxxxx

But now i am unable to delete same contact after execution . Tried multiple combination of parameters with next command, but it is not working. adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.DELETE -t -e name 'Donald Duck' -e phone 72xxxxxxxx

Please share if there is an adb command to delete contact.

EDIT : adb shell pm clear command will clear all contacts from contact list.


  • adb shell pm clear command will clear all contacts from a contact list.