In my test in Protractor I am expecting to see element1 Or element2 at the end, I found a "solution" which works only if element1 is displayed and element2 is not on the page
expect(element1.isDisplayed() || element2.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy();
In case if element1 is not on the page but element2 is there - i am getting an error:
Failed: No element found using locator: ...(element1 locator)
I cannot write test where only one expectation is possible, this is test with Data and in my case 2 results are possible. How can i validate if one of two elements isDisplayed on the page?
I don't think Jasmine
understand the expression element1.isDisplayed() || element2.isDisplayed()
, so ever the two elements are not display, the assertion still pass.
The ExpectedConditions API supply and/or
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var condition = EC.or(EC.visibilityOf(element1), EC.visibilityOf(element2));