I have been working on a projet about data integration, analysing and reporting using Pentaho. So at last, I needed to do some reporting using Pentaho tools. The problem that is our data is so big, so the reporting platform was too slow and the fact that we have so much lines, it stop responding from time to time and get reaaally slow. Is there any solution to this ? A reporting tool or platform that we can use instead of Pentaho reporting without having to change the whole thing and get from the first ETL steps. Thanks
You have 2 alternatives:
Remember that you can use PDI (Pentaho Spoon, Kettle or whatever you like to call it) as report datasource. You can "pre-process" the result data and use report designer just for themeing purposes. A transformation in Kettle can run in parallel, and can be distributed, so, if you have a cluster, use a PDI datasource that distributes the "queries" with all your hardware. That could improve 800x the performance.
Other option is generate historical data in text files, and read them via PDI Datasource.
You have thousands of options using PDI. :D