I'm using S3Client from PHP SDK to restore an object from Glacier and I want to use the Expedited
I saw the documentation and I found the "Tier" field that is a required field but doesn't work. Standard is always used. I tried to use without the "Tier" (required) and it works and use Standard mode too.
I use this:
$restoreArray = [
'Bucket' => $bucket, // REQUIRED
'Key' => $fileName, // REQUIRED
'RestoreRequest' => [
'Days' => 1, // REQUIRED
'GlacierJobParameters' => [
'Tier' => 'Expedited', //Standard|Bulk|Expedited REQUIRED
$client->restoreObject( $restoreArray );
I tried in AWS Console and the expedited tier works. With the restoreObject function is always "Standard" with or without the 'Tier' field in the array.
I solved my problem. I had an API version 3.18.6 that have reference to the Tier field on restoreObject
But I found that it was implemented on 3.19.32 version:
Aws\S3 - Added support for Glacier retrieval tier information
Sorry for the inconvenience.