I need to make a conditional statement where the 5 variables should be empty before perform an action. The problem is some variables can be zero, false or NULL value. How to catch all of them?
Which one is better?
If (!$a && !$b && !$c && !$d && !$e) {
// do some action
} else {
If (empty($a) && empty($b) && empty($c) && empty($d) && empty($e)) {
// do some action
} else {
Thank you.
This could be an approach to check multiple variables are empty at once.
$a = $b = $c = $d = $e = '';
#$b = 5; // comment out to go on else block
if (empty($a . $b . $c . $d . $e)){
echo "All variables are empty, do what you want to do man";
echo "One of variable is not empty";