I deployed a PHP Cloud Foundry app using PHP buildpack. This buildpack has ODBC Cli extention so I can use DB2 functions and I can connect to DB2 on cloud. But I can't connect to a Z/OS DB2 database via Secure Gateway bevause I receive license error. I have to license the driver files somehow on Cloud. I have the license file. Any idea how to do this?
If your cloud hostname is configured with "IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI" then you can connect to Db2 for Z/OS if you add a Db2-connect license file to the license subdirectory of the installation-directory for "IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI" - before starting your application.
The name of the license file will be similar to "db2consv_ee.lic" or "db2consv_as.lic" or "db2consv_zs.lic".
More details here.