I want to add a page to a specific section, but the documentation only gives examples of how to call the current page ie
But i cannot figure out for the life of me how I would choose a specific page by title. Any help would be much appreicated
You could get the active notebook, then the sections in the active notebook, then look for one with the name you're looking for.
OneNote.run(function (context) {
// Gets the active notebook.
var notebook = context.application.getActiveNotebook();
// Queue a command to get immediate child sections of the notebook.
var childSections = notebook.sections;
// Queue a command to load the childSections.
// Run the queued commands, and return a promise to indicate task completion.
return context.sync()
.then(function() {
$.each(childSections.items, function(index, childSection) {
console.log("Immediate child section name: " + childSection.name);
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error);
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log("Debug info: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));