uwp-community-toolkit version2.2
I've got a couple of ImageEx element inside my listview which they are bind to urls. So when I launch my application it seems like UI thread is blocked by ImageEx. I cannot move app window, resize window, scroll the list or interact with another part of the application till all the ImageEx images are loaded from the Internet.
I wanna know if this is the normal behavior or not?! And if there is a way to fix the problem?!
My ListViewItem Template:
<DataTemplate x:DataType="m:RepoModel">
<controls:ImageEx x:Phase="3"
Source="{x:Bind owner.avatar_url}"
Height="125" Width="125"
As Shawn Kendrot mentioned, they have fixed it on uwp-community-toolkit version3.0
and I just test the stable version and I can approve that