Search code examples

CrafterCMS: How to output html body indexed by solr?

I used the suffix _html in my RTEs for solr's indexing functionality. However, when I display my search result, I need the html tags rather than the plain text. Is there a work around to do this?

Edit: I use a map, matches = [:], to store the results of my solr query. I need to get the content_html from each document results and display them. Here's my progress so far:


def contents = [:]
def index = 0
// solr search results are stored in matches.faqs
for (item in matches.faqs) {
    // with a solr result document
    def aResult = executedQuery.response.documents[index]
    // look up the item
    def myContentItem = siteItemService.getSiteItem(aResult.localId)
    // get the markup you want
    contents.put('contentHtml', myContentItem.queryValue("content_html"))


  • One approach is to simply lookup the HTML you need from your result using the siteItemService:


    // with a solr result document
    def aResult = executedQuery.response.documents[0]
    // look up the item
    def myContentItem = siteItemService.getSiteItem(aResult.localId)
    // get the markup you want
    def rteHtml = myContentItem.queryValue("theRTEField_html")