I tried to install swiftSoup to parse HTML to my xCode project but unfortunately version of swiftSoup installed by command expressed in official site
is 1.4 which is unacceptable to work with swift 4.0. I found out that version of swiftSoup compatible with xCode 9 and swift 4.0 is swiftSoup ver.1.5.2 but I does not installs by command i tried from official site( even more i tried to mention version in a pod file and threw me an error.
How can I install the latest version if swiftSoup by cocoapods?
platform :ios, ’11.0’
This line indicate that what is your pod deployment target so it will install compatible pod with above platform sometime it's happened that after upgrade your project developer forgot to change this target that why sometime old pod install every time. So always change here if you changed the deployment target of your project.