Is it possible to set a item in a ShellListView to visible=false
? I thought About something like ShelLlistView.Items.visible(false)
but that does not exist and I have no idea for another solution so I hope someone can help me with this.
I can't post any Code for you yet because I don't have any ShellListView yet but I hope you can give me some advice how it could work.
Afaik, this is not possible because the ListItem
s shown in the TShellListView have no Visible
property. However, according to Peter Below (TeamB), you can effectively "hide" an item by destroying it. See
Of course, if you wish to "unhide" an item hidden in this way, you would need to create & add a new node with the same Caption
, etc.
This code works fine for me using the standard Lazarus TShellListView:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Item : TListItem;
Item := ShellListView1.Items[0];
Caption := Item.Caption;
and removes the first item in the list.
The following removes all the items in the ShellListView
. THe downto
is to account for the fact that the Count
value decreases on each iteration of the loop.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
i : Integer;
for i := ShellListView1.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do