I am new to core data. I am fetching data from API and then saving them to core data.This is my dataModel.
Here is my API Structure,
"name" : "name here",
"content" :[
"homeContentItems" : [
"some objects" : "values",
"contentItemDetails": [
"some objects" : "values",
"contentItemDetails": [
"homeContentItems" : [
"some objects" : "values",
"contentItemDetails": [
"some objects" : "values",
"contentItemDetails": [
How can I fetch data from the Entity so I can get all data from related entity too?
I Have never worked with database before so its bit complected for me. Any help will be much appreciated.
let informedDataFetch = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "Informed360Entity")
informedDataFetch.fetchLimit = 1
informedDataFetch.predicate = NSPredicate()
let tableviewData = try! context.fetch(informedDataFetch)
let tdata : Informed360Entity = tableviewData.first as! Informed360Entity
var contentData = tdata.toContent?.allObjects as? [ContentEntity]
I tried this code and getting data from ContentEntity table. How can I get other 2 tables data too so I can use to display in tableview.
You do it the same way as you did with ContentEntity but now you use the two properties that represent the relationships, contentDetailItem
and homeContentItems
, which both will return a Set.
for content in contentData {
let contentDetailItems = content.contentDetailItem
let homeContents = content.homeContentItems